Sofas, armchairs, wall coverings: the choice of a leather cover for these furnishing accessories is always successful, especially if the intention is to create an environment of class and charm. We offer a range of leather for furniture that can meet all your needs: thanks to a production philosophy that is capable of intercepting customer requests, offering high-quality products that are suitable for any living or professional context.


Our leathers are divided into two macro-categories: those intended to satisfy mainly customers whose aesthetic is the main criterion for their choice and those that are mainly in demand because of their technical features. In the first case, therefore, the leather for furniture will have to meet requirements such as colour or finish, while in the second situation the leathers are sought for peculiarities such as resistance to stains (including the most stubborn) to water, fire, friction or light. This does not mean, however, that technical leathers are less beautiful than others; on the contrary, those who choose this type of items do not only look at their technical features but also at their aesthetics. Apart from the specific contexts in which technical leathers can be appreciated, as for instance in the case of office furniture in a factory, where the risk of damage is perhaps higher, this type of item is also highly appreciated at home. Just think of the houses where children and animals live: in these situations a type of leather that is particularly resistant but at the same time capable of giving taste and personality to the environment is necessary.
Both types of leather for furniture, however, are available at Lealpell with a range of 1,700 colours, not forgetting that the company also offers products customized according to the needs of the customer.